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The King of Elphame Prints in Frame

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A linoprint devotional image of the King of Fayerie. The astrological symbols are for the Sun, Moon, and Mercury (Oberon is a mercurial being who is traditionally depicted standing between the Sun and Moon). In the corners are the seals of the Four Fairy Huntsmen who advise the King. Within the serpent are many spells, prayers, and titles of the Master of Spirits. Above his head is the Seal of Oberon from Folger v.b. 26.

Crafted by Blasted Tower Craft.

The design is hand carved into a linoleum block and printed individually with water soluble ink on card stock.

Unique Creations
Your linoprint may include slight variations (due to ink application and other factors) from the one pictured here. Each piece is hand printed, making it unique!

This print is 7" x 5". Frame is a 5" x 7" 

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