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Tea Leaf Fortune Cards

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Tea Leaf Fortune Cards set offers an innovative system for reading with 200 beautifully illustrated cards depicting the traditional tea leaf symbols. The 98-page guidebook explains how to divine fortunes using tea leaves or Tea Leaf Fortune Cards. Follow a few simple guidelines, and you can immediately read your fortune. Set includes 200 round, symbol cards; drawstring pouch; and 98-page illustrated guidebook. CONTENTSA Brief History of Tea and Tea Leaf ReadingThe Development of Tea Leaf Fortune CardsTraditional Tea Leaf Reading MethodsDivining Your Fortune Using Tea Leaf Fortune CardThe Coming Year MethodThe Coming Week MethodThe Astral House Pyramid MethodTea Leaf Symbols and Their MeaningsAbout the Author and ArtistRae Hepburn, an accomplished tea leaf reader, teaches you to unlock the ancient secrets of reading tea leaves.

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